
Latest reports

Trustworthy Public Communications

This report provides evidence-based insights and recommendations on how public communicators can strengthen the future of democracies by navigating (new) information ecosystems in ways that earn the trust and confidence of citizens. At a time when trust in government is increasingly recognised as important to democracy, the report aims to support institutions in tackling the societal challenges in communication faced around the globe. The report combines state-of-the-art scientific knowledge and insights from experts, new empirical research on the moralisation of policies and values-targeted communication strategies, and input from citizens on this topic to provide practical guidance to policymakers and institutional communications professionals.

Overview of public engagement in research & innovation

This thematic report provides an introductory overview of Public Engagement in Research and Innovation in Europe, as discussed during the first meeting of the Mutual Learning Exercise on Public Engagement in Research and Innovation. Various policies, frameworks, resources, and projects (mainly EU funded) to promote Public Engagement practices are described. The report aims to inspire and help public actors and policymakers to promote and support public engagement. Published April 2024.

Final Report: Mutual Learning Exercise on Citizen Science Initiatives – Policy and Practice

Final Report of the Mutual Learning Exercise on Citizen Science Initiatives, conducted by the European Commission, to identify and promote good practices, experience and lessons learned. The report presents a summary of the learning and recommendations generated throughout the year-long process3 through the lens of the backcasting approach to strategic planning. The Final Report serves as an inspiration, guide and resource for national policy makers and other key actors in the national science landscape.

Latest factsheets

Brochure of Use Cases on EOSC and Open Science 

Brochure showcasing recent use cases on European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and Open Science. The brochure, developed by the EOSC Future project, presents 31 use cases from different countries in Europe on policies and practices to implement EOSC and Open Science at national level with a short description, key facts, and links for further information for each use case. The use cases have been collected from Member States and Associated Countries in the EOSC Steering Board via the Survey on National Contributions to EOSC and follow-on interviews with designated representatives for each use case. Published May 2024.

Factsheet on Attractive Research Careers in the Union

Overview of new standards and tools for more attractive research careers in the Union such as the European Framework for Research Careers, including a Charter for Researchers aiming at improving working conditions and the ResearchComp website to support researchers’ transversal skills and inter-sectoral careers.

Factsheet on the European Research Area

Factsheet providing an overview of the milestones and objectives of the European Research Area. Published in January 2024.

Latest online event recordings

Resources coming soon.

Latest on INSPIRING ERA Exchanges

INSPIRING ERA Exchange Guidelines

A comprehensive manual professionally created by the Inspiring ERA Consortium, aimed at facilitating the organization and execution of successful Inspiring ERA Exchange events.
These guidelines include crucial components spanning from initial planning stages to implementation and evaluation. In addition to outlining essential steps, they also provide supplementary draft documents such as a draft agenda, draft report form, an event checklist, and a curated list of useful resources. Together, these elements constitute a toolbox, equipping organizers with everything they need to orchestrate a successful event.
Published by the Inspiring ERA Consortium, these guidelines can be useful to anyone organizing an Inspiring ERA Exchange event. They ensure clarity, efficiency, and effectiveness every step of the way.

Latest recommendations and guidelines

Resources coming soon.