Materials from INSPIRING ERA Exchange held online on 13 November 2024.
Materials from INSPIRING ERA Exchange held online on 13 November 2024.
Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HS4R), Dr Daniel Müller, Universität Siegen
The European Charter for Researchers and its implementation mechanism, Michele Rosa-Clot, European Commission, DG R&I, Unit A2: ERA, Spreading Excellence and Research Careers
The Research and Innovation Careers Observatory (ReICO), Cláudia SARRICO, STI/STP
How to use ResearchComp? A practical example, Lukas Nachtigal, Head of Doctoral Studies Office, Charles University and Eva Janu, Postdoc Community Officer, Charles University
INSPIRING ERA Exchange. Introduction to the INSPIRING ERA project and IEE, Maciej Woscyk, NCBR Poland
Action 4 ERA Policy Agenda 2022-2024 and the new Council Recommendation on Research Careers, Dario CAPEZZUTO, European Commission, DG R&I, Unit A2 ERA, Spreading Excellence and Research Careers
ResearchComp at a glance, Dario CAPEZZUTO, European Commission, DG R&I, Unit A2 ERA, Spreading Excellence and Research Careers
HR Excellence Award: Experience sharing from business perspective, Sandra Blázquez Borrás, Head of Open Innovation in Repsol and Laura García Diego, Open Innovation Sr Analyst in Repsol
Navigating the new “European Framework for Research Careers”: Implementation and Challenges ahead, Luisa Henriques, PhD, PT co-sponsor on behalf of Member States Action 4 Research Careers – ERA Policy Agenda
Report on INSPIRING ERA EXCHANGE online event on ERA ACTION 4
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101131556.