Boost your career: new EU tools and support for attractive research careers

Are you a researcher looking to enhance your career? Join an online event to hear about the wide range of initiatives, tools, and support mechanisms!
04/12/2024 10:00
04/12/2024 12:00
Event type
Online events, Past events, Upcoming events
Online, Zoom
Event format

Are you a researcher looking to enhance your career? At this online event held on Wednesday 4 December participants could hear about the wide range of pan-European initiatives, tools, and support mechanisms developed by the European Commission to help researchers build their career and enhance their mobility including: 

Materials from the event

You can watch a recording of the event below:

Programme with links to PowerPoint presentations

10:00 CET Welcome

ERA Policy Agenda Action 4: Research Careers (PDF of PPT)
Emmanuelle Gardan, Co-sponsor of Action 4 and Director of Coimbra Group

The new Council Recommendation on a European framework for research careers (PDF of PPT)
Dario Capezzuto, Policy Officer, ERA, Spreading Excellence and Research Careers, DG R&I, European Commission

The ERA Talent Platform, EURAXESS and RESAVER (PDF of PPT)
Slaven Misljencevic, Policy Officer, ERA, Spreading Excellence and Research Careers, DG R&I, European Commission


European Competence Framework for Researchers (ResearchComp) and Research and Innovation Careers Observatory (ReICO) (PDF of PPT)
Dario Capezzuto, Policy Officer, ERA, Spreading Excellence and Research Careers, DG R&I, European Commission

The European Charter for Researchers (PDF of PPT)
Michele Rosa-Clot, Portfolio Owner, HR Excellence in Research, ERA, Spreading Excellence and Research
Careers, DG R&I, European Commission


Panel discussion
Sebastian Dahle, University of Ljubljana & Advisory Board member, Eurodoc
Karen Vandevelde, Head of Human Resources, University of Antwerp
Anneke Kastelein, Leiden University Medical Centre & EU TalentOn winner

Takeaways and sources of further information

12:00 CET Close

Organised by the EU INSPIRING ERA project as part of a series of online events to support the implementation of the European Research Area Policy Agenda.

Useful links (shared during the event)


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