ERA Conference 2024

European Research Area: Fostering Greater Integration. Advancing Competitiveness, 18.-19. September, Brussels

A European Commission conference, supported by INSPIRING ERA

A full report of the ERA conference will be published in the beginning of November 2024

In the meantime, watch the video on how the European Research Area (ERA) has reached significant milestones, bringing the idea of a single market for research, innovation and technology closer to reality. Take a journey through time and explore some of the key achievement along the way. 

Photos from ERA Conference 2024, European Research Area: Fostering Greater Integration. Advancing Competitiveness, September 18.-.19, Brussels.

All photographs from the ERA conference 2024 are made available for use under the condition that proper credit is given to the photographer. When using these photographs, please include the following credit:

Photo: Marvin Diegeler (DLR).

Videos of the event

Wrap-up Video of the ERA Conference.

Opening Speech by von Janez Potočnik – Transcript of the speach is available here. 

Panel Discussion ERA revamped: four years later: In this session, researchers and policymakers review achievements of the first ERA Policy Agenda (2022-24) and discussed future challenges.

Panel Discussion Inclusive gender equality: shaping the future_: This session highlights ERA’s progress on gender equality plans, violence prevention, inclusiveness, and intersectionality.

Panel Discussion Scientific freedom and research security: Panelists discuss the importance of protecting scientific freedom in the ERA, its role in innovation, and strategies to safeguard research security.

Keynote speech by Commissioner Iliana Ivanova and signature of the funding agreement on the Research and Innovation Careers Observatory (ReICO).

Panel Discussion Boosting R&I investments and reforms to secure Europe’s long-term competitiveness: Panelists explore how current actions can bridge the R&I investment gap, how to implement reforms and achieve the 3% R&D target by 2030 for Europe’s competitiveness.

Closing session: In an open dialogue with the audience, Barbara Weitgruber and Marc Lemaître look back at the conference and reflect on how the different topic areas can contribute to the realisation of the fifth freedom as well as a more competitive Europe.

Press coverage

Mentions on websites and in the internet press

19. September 2024 Website SCIENCE BUSINESS 

The push for a European Research Area (ERA) is gaining traction with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s plan to propose an ERA act, aiming to establish research and innovation as the fifth freedom of the EU single market. This initiative seeks to enhance the mobility of researchers, knowledge, and technology across member states, addressing historical political challenges. Stakeholders have expressed optimism about moving towards a more structured and mandatory framework, with a focus on improving funding and career prospects for early-career researchers. The Commission plans to release a communication at the end of October outlining progress and future challenges in the revamped ERA strategy.

20. September 2024 Website ResearchProfessional News


19. September 2024 Website Insight EU Monitoring


19. September 2024 Website InnoRenew CoE

The InnoRenew Centre of Excellence participated in the European Research Area (ERA) conference in Brussels on September 18-19, 2024. Lea Primožič represented the InnoRenew project, showcasing its success among European initiatives. The conference addressed future research and innovation challenges and featured discussions on various topics, including research assessment and citizen engagement in science.

19. September 2024 Website ERA Portal Austria

The ERA Conference in Brussels on September 18-19, 2024, focused on the future of the European Research Area (ERA) and establishing the fifth freedom—the free sharing of knowledge. Key challenges included the EU’s innovation gap, threats to academic freedom, and gender disparities in research. Proposed solutions emphasized increasing R&D investment to 3% of GDP, enhancing science-industry collaboration, and better coordination among EU Member States. ERAC co-Chairs highlighted the need for deeper integration to boost Europe’s competitiveness and urged stakeholders to act on the fifth freedom.

19. September 2024 Website ResearchProfessinal News

A new code of conduct aimed at combating gender-based violence in the research sector has been launched under the European Research Area (ERA). Announced by Marcela Linkovà during a European Commission conference, the code emphasizes a zero-tolerance policy and addresses the experiences of women in research. Alongside the code, a pledge for institutions and individuals to commit to these principles was introduced. Linkovà highlighted the need for “institutional courage and leadership” to implement these guidelines effectively.

29. September 2024 Website Vetenskap & Allmänhets

The ERA Conference in Brussels on September 18-19, 2024, drew over 400 in-person attendees and 640 online viewers to shape future European research policies. Keynotes from Janez Potočnik and Iliana Ivanova emphasized research’s importance for competitiveness. Discussions covered gender equality, scientific freedom, and R&I investments, with breakout sessions on industrial transformation and sustainable energy. The event included an exhibition of EU-funded projects and a film featuring researchers’ testimonials.


Social media

24 September 2024 LinkedIn Marta Agostinho – Executive Director at EU-LIFE

25 September 2024 LinkedIn Dominik Sobczak – Deputy Head of Unit at European Commission

25 September 2024 LinkedIn Plamena Markova – Chief International Relations at EMBL

25 September 2024 Petra Žagar – Senior Policy Adviser

25 September 2024 Twitter @Una_Europa

19 September 2024 Twitter @PacoColomer

19 September 2024 Twitter @ERA_FABRIC

19 September 2024 Twitter @tachelet