European Commission launches Call for Evidence on ERA

The European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, has launched a Call for Evidence on the European Research Area. Stakeholders are invited to help share the future of the ERA by contributing their views on the progress made so far as well as remaining challenges by 30 September.

In September 2020, the European Commission unveiled a visionary initiative titled “A new ERA for Research and Innovation” (ERA). This strategic plan outlined a roadmap for advancing Europe’s research and innovation landscape, focusing on four key priorities aimed at fostering a more robust and integrated European Research Area. As of 2024, the Commission is preparing to release an updated communication to evaluate the progress made and identify ongoing challenges.

Key Priorities of the ERA 

The original ERA strategy was built around four main priorities, each designed to drive transformative change in research and innovation (R&I) across Europe:

1. Prioritising Investments and Reforms

The ERA aims to increase investments in research and innovation, ensuring that these sectors receive adequate funding and are aligned with broader economic reforms. This includes fostering public-private partnerships, encouraging member states to meet national R&D spending targets, and promoting smart investments to enhance competitiveness.

2. Improving Access to Excellence

Bridging the gap between countries and regions with varying levels of research capacity is a critical focus. The ERA aims to ensure that all member states can access cutting-edge R&I infrastructure and resources. This fosters a more inclusive environment where excellence can flourish across the entire European Union, regardless of geographic or economic disparities.

3. Translating R&I Results into the Economy

The ERA seeks to enhance the commercialization of research, ensuring that scientific breakthroughs and technological advancements translate into tangible benefits for the economy. This includes promoting innovation ecosystems, supporting start-ups, and facilitating stronger ties between academia and industry.

4. Deepening the European Research Area

The initiative also aims to strengthen the overall framework of the European Research Area by fostering better coordination between national and EU-level policies, supporting open science, and encouraging collaboration among researchers across borders. This deeper integration is essential for addressing global challenges and sustaining Europe’s competitive edge in science and innovation.

Call for Feedback & Evidence

As part of this upcoming evaluation, the European Commission is seeking feedback from stakeholders, inviting input on the progress made and the challenges that lie ahead. The feedback period runs from 2 September 2024 to 30 September 2024, and stakeholders are encouraged to contribute their views to help shape the future of the ERA.



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