ERA Hubs: Status and Way Forward

The COOPERATE and ERA_FABRIC projects are proud to share developments on the European Research Area Hubs and explore possible ways forward.
19/09/2024 14:00
19/09/2024 16:00
Event type
External events
COOPERATE project, ERA_FABRIC project
BluePoint, Brussels
Event format

Knowledge-driven ‘#innovation ecosystems’, rooted in their region and connected with others, are key to future ‘#competitiveness’. “European Research Area Hubs” is a novel concept that is being tested on the ground by two Horizon Europe funded projects. ERA hubs spearhead the European Commission’s strategy to boost ‘#regional innovation’ in the European Research Area (ERA). Their aim is to help regions play a greater part in the coordination of R&D policies and investments in member states. The ERA Hubs could support organizations – and people – to bring together different stakeholders, unite public and private spheres and break existing silos.

‘COOPERATE’ and ‘ERA_FABRIC’ are proud to share developments and explore possible ways forward with the targeted audience. Invited high level speakers include representatives of the ‘Committee of the Regions’ and the European Commission. Further program details will be provided soon. Follow COOPERATE, ERA_FABRIC and ERRIN for updates. Secure your seat by registering under this link.


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